Make-Up Artist

Always keeping up to date with the most important trends, you are an expert in all things make-up and hair. Be it flamboyant or classical, discreet or extravagant: you work on high level fashion and have mastered the tricks of the trade for putting models on scene.

  • Type-specific styling & individual looks
  • Hair styling & hair design
  • Make-up for fashion shows & events
  • Creative work with accessories & artificial hair
  • Fashion & beauty shoots

Single courses in your Diploma

Hair Stylist

1. Semester: You will learn to style hair professionally and in line with current trends. From analysing the hair to selecting the right materials and products and executing individual hairstyles on a mannequin's head (or participants if they have given their consent) - that's where you come in.

Make-Up Assistant

1. Semester: With the help of different make-up techniques you learn how to highlight prominent features, achieve artificial effects or make a person appear as photogenic as possible. Learn about the basics of professional body art, how to use make-up effectively and how to play with light and shadow.

Hair Designer

2. Semester: You will learn how to use a trendy hair design to enhance the effects of make-up and render the look perfect. You will learn the practical skills involved in hair design and will work for hair dressers in the fashion and beauty industry at the level of high fashion.

Make-Up Artist

2. Semester: Through a varied use of make-up you develop your own style for the media, fashion and cosmetics industries. The best photos of your work are put together to make a portfolio – your very own calling card as a make-up artist.

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