Photo: © Tina Sohrab

Tina Sohrab - An astounding career

Video: © Tina Sohrab

“I’m only visually impaired.”

At 16, Tina’s new school made her aware of how other disabled people were struggling with major challenges of their own. Having mentally impaired classmates, for instance, prompted Tina to revaluate her situation. She now had a coach teaching her how to deal with her disability, and she strove to be as independent as possible.

“You could put on make-up like all the other girls!”

Initially, Tina was shocked to hear her coach suggest she do her own make-up. How was that supposed to work? But a visit to Douglas, a German perfume and cosmetics retailer, changed everything for Tina. By using only her hands and getting a feel for quantities and facial features, Tina learned how to put on make-up. Soon, one single look wasn’t enough anymore. Tina started to add different make-up styles to her repertoire, for parties and other occasions. Tina’s assistant, family and friends were happy to regularly feedback on her make-up and give advice.   

Photo: © Tina Sohrab

“I want to be a professional make-up artist.”

Tina believes that the internet is the best way to reach people. Unfortunately, those who are visually impaired often don’t get a chance to be a part of it. Tina’s plan quickly took shape: she wanted to do high-end make-up tutorials, suitable for both blind and sighted people. How though? To become a professional make-up artist Tina is now taking an individual course at the Deutsche POP Academy in Hannover.   

Blind and Beauty

Miriam Jaks, a make-up artist based in Berlin, was impressed with Tina’s story and wanted to meet the young woman. Tina had written to Miriam beforehand and suggested a collaboration. “I was so scared she’d refuse that I did not dare open the e-mail at first,” laughs Tina. But only about one month later the two met in Berlin to shoot three tutorials together. The goal was to make videos that address both sighted people and those visually impaired. Tina now produces various beauty tutorials. Her company “Blind and Beauty” has recently garnered the attention of well-known brands such as Barbor or Catrice, who were impressed by the aspiring make-up artist.

“I may be blind, but other than that I am just like everyone else.”

Naturally, Tina’s projects are a matter close to her heart. Producing videos that are visually appealing and at the same time accessible to people like herself may take a lot of effort, but is well worth it to Tina. To her, such inclusion is very important. After her success with Catrice, Tina is now onto her next big project. She wants to take her first steps in the world of fashion and is planning to work with Guido Maria Kretschmer to that end. In addition, her followers can look forward to spooky Halloween looks and Christmas-inspired make-up tutorials.

“If it hadn’t been for my disability, I would probably never have thought of doing beauty tutorials. But I’m having so much fun with it now, I can’t think of doing anything else.”


  Sarah Kusche - Media Presenter & Blogger

  Sarah graduated in Stuttgart in the Diploma Course "Media Presenter & Journalist".

  She presents the background stories of our students, graduates, lecturers and partners at regular intervals.

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