Workshop at Open Day: How to become an artist in the music industry

UNITED POP Amsterdam
Q-Factory, Atlantisplein 1
NL-1093 NE Amsterdam

Saturday, 06 April 2019
13:00 ‐ 16:00‌

free of charge

The event has already ended

Workshop at Open Day: How to become an artist in the music industry

You want to make sure you present your design in a great way?
20 years ago when a teacher asked about your dream job, most answers were police man, doctors or attorneys. Today most people will answer: Model, influencer or… DJ. The competition in the music industry has never been tougher, then it is today. How is it possible for you to rise and shine? Do you have what it takes to glow in the spotlight? Come by and find out. We will reflect and discuss all you need to know from mental fitness to branding, from music production to management, from artist visions to industry adaptions

Learning objectives

  • Learn how to reflect about you and your visions
  • Get to know the music industry better
  • Learn how to start (or reach the next chapter of) your career

This workshop is part of an Open Day and therefore free of charge. The Open Day starts at 13:00. The workshop itself will start at 14:00. The workshop is approximately 1 hour long.

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